Saturday, December 15, 2012

Hola from Nicaragua

Hola Family and Friends,

     After four days in Nicaragua things are going great. It has been very busy....leaving early and getting in late.  We have purchased materials for two houses and one has been under construction for two days.  It should be finished Tuesday or Wednesday.  The second house will begin construction on Monday.  It is a little bigger than what we normally build, so it will take a little longer.  The houses we build are 18 X 18 foot cinder block room with a tin roof and cement floor.  These are the 28th and 29th houses we have built.  Our group this trip consist of three old men from Barboursville Rotary, myself, Len Rogers and Rick Keaton.  Since two of us have bad backs, we have to hire most of the labor.  We pay two block layers $300 together, who run the job, and pay labors $8 a day.  We know all of them and they all need the money to feed their families.

     We took five Sunday school teachers from the New Jerusalem Church shopping Thursday to buy the presents for the children’s Christmas party which will be Sunday.  There are 66 children on the list for this year’s party.  This will be the eighth year we have had this Christmas party, and the gifts they receive will be the only gifts some of them will get this Christmas.  The first year we bought toys, but after that they ask if they could buy clothes instead. 

     The group from my Church, Fifth Avenue Baptist, left Friday morning.  On Thursday evening Remar Orphanage had a party to send off the team and for all of the children to receive their Christmas presents.  Fun was had by all.

     Dennis, our boy in Medical College, had dinner with us on Wednesday night.  His last final was Tuesday and he has now finished his forth year.  His sister Dini finished her first year in Nursing school and brother Donnie graduated from high school and is taking the test next month to start Dental school in March.  We sponsor all of them.  Luckly, they get free tutition, but books and other things cost us around $100 a month per person.

     Today we are going to the Vera Cruz High School graduation.  One boy named Daniel, who we sponsor, will graduate.  There are also a couple kids graduating that live in houses we have built.  It is very rewarding to see these kids graduate since a very low percentage of them do.  Daniel came to me the other day and said he wanted to go to college to become a Mechanical Engineer and ask if we could continue to sponsor him.  Mechanical Engineering school does not have free tutition.  He has been offered a 50% scholarship but needs the other 50%.  We are checking on the cost.  It is wonderful to see any of these kids wanting to further their education, but raising more money gets harder and harder.

     Time to go….I will write more later.  I want to thank everyone who has helped with our Mission here in Nicaragua.  As always, all contributions are greatly appreciated.  Our 501c Non-profit organization is the Nicaragua Education Shelter and Health Fund, Inc. (NESH).  P.O. Box 731, Barboursville, WV  25504.
God Bless You All.


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