Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Amazing People from West Virginia


   God works in many ways and through many people!  The reason this is only my second blog from this trip is because I have been having problems with my computer.  I can get on the internet just fine…but once I get there it takes 2 to 3 minutes after every click to get anything to work.  It took me over 4 hours to get the last blog in.  Yesterday morning I used another computer to check my email and had an email from 2 friends that read the blog and they were lead by God to send us $3,500 to build another house.  I was so moved I cried, but that’s nothing compared to the family that I got to tell that they were going to get their house built.  This family is a husband and wife with 3 children.  The husband is the brother of the lady we are currently building a house that Barboursville Rotary paid for.  He is one of the block layers and has a piece of land that Len Rogers purchased for him a couple years ago.  Through generous people like this….I am the lucky person that gets to tell people they are getting a new home.  We also told a lady that has 3 children, one daughter named Jinny who we have know since she was 2 years old, that if we raise the money, we will build her a house next trip.   What a wonderful Christmas these families in Vera Cruz will have this year! 
     On Saturday we went to the Vera Cruz Public School graduation.  Their graduation takes a lot longer than ours does.  They start out by gathering at the school and then marching to a Catholic Church about 2 blocks away for a Church service that took over an hour.  Then they march back to the school and each student, with their escort, is announced and walk down the aisle to their seats.  The escort is generally the Father or relative of the girls and Mother of the boys.  Then the number 1 and 2 students in the class give their speech and the dignitaries give their speeches.  After that they are called up individually, with their escorts, and receive their diplomas.  While on stage, the escort presents their student with their class ring, if they were well off enough to purchase one.  Then each student and their escort are announced and walk back down the aisle to exit.  We arrived at the service at 1:30 and left at 5:30.  Afterwards we went to a graduation party of a beautiful girl named Hazel, who we had built her family’s home several years ago.  While at the party I was really honored when a wonderful girl named Salina, who I have known from the beginning, ask me to be her graduation escort next year.
     Sunday morning we went to the Remar Church with the children from the Remar Orphanage.  We left there and went back to Vera Cruz to the New Jerusalem Church for the Christmas party for the kids there.  The numbers were a little down this year, we ended up buying gifts for only 66 children this year.  They played games, and of course the gringos, (Len, Rick and I) had to lead each game off.  Then they had their piñata, and as always, they blindfolded me and laughed as I tried to hit it.  Len videoed this and wants me to put it on the blog…..but I don’t think so.
     Monday was back to work, the second house, with help from Bradford White, was started and the first house is almost finished.  We have had little problems with getting materials or labors for either house.  The biggest problem so far was our welder for the roof of the first house was broken.  At home this wouldn’t be much of a problem, but here getting parts isn’t as easy.  We had to go to the Oriental Market (black market) to find the parts, and also make sure they sell us the right parts.  This is the biggest market in Central America.  It is somewhat dangerous to go there and many of the people from here will not go there.  Len and I have been there many times, but this was Ricks first time.  Anyone who knows Rick, ask him what he impression of the Oriental Market was, I don’t think he wants to go back.
     Well we had better get to work….my computer in now working better.  I got rid of Internet Explorer and downloaded Firefox and everything seems fine.  I want to thank everyone who makes all of this possible.  Without your support none of this would ever happen.  Our 501c(3) organization is the Nicaragua Education, Shelter and Health Fund, Inc.(NESH), P.O. Box 731, Barboursville, WV  25504.  Adios for now and I will write more later.  


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